In today's world, volunteering is becoming a lost art. NBRMTA has adopted a recognition program to encourage students to share their music in the wider community. The purpose of the Community Volunteer Award Certificate is to encourage students to take their music out into the community.
Download the Volunteer Award Application
We expect that our NBRMTA Community Volunteer Award will be a valuable commodity for students and we hope the Community Volunteer Award Certificate will have a positive impact on both job and university applications.
♫ to give students recognition for sharing their music and to encourage a
practical use of their musical education.
♫ to give students a greater awareness of how their music can be used
throughout their lives.
♫ to give students a goal to strive for regardless of their musical capabilities.
♫ play music at care homes, hospitals, or to shut-ins.
♫ take a senior citizen to a concert.
♫ help with musical programs in churches.
♫ assist a music therapist.
♫ accompany a singer or instrumentalist.
♫ help with various tasks at music festivals.
♫ volunteer at concerts with programs, staging, lighting etc.
♫ provide music at a luncheon event.
Bronze Level = 10 hours
Silver Level = Bronze 10 + 25 = 35 hours
Gold Level = Bronze and Silver 35 + 25 = 60 hours
May 1 and October 1 of each year
Please print application form and send all information to:
Barbara Long
11119 Route 130
Somerville, NB E7P 2S4
NBRMTA Community Volunteer Service Award Recipients
Gold – 60 hours of volunteer service
Jinwon Jang [Ruth Nieboer]
Jimnyung Jang [Ruth Nieboer]
Sumyung Jang [Ruth Nieboer]
Gold – 60 hours of volunteer service
Tabitha Beaulieu [Irma Mulherin]
Maïthé Lavoie [Irma Mulherin]
Chloé Rioux [Irma Mulherin]
Sarah Sharpe [Barbara Long / Jennifer Muir]
Silver - 35 hours of volunteer service
Jinwon Jang [Ruth Nieboer]
Sumyung Jang [Ruth Nieboer]
Jinmyung Jang [Ruth Nieboer]
Gold - 60 hours of volunteer service
Jordan Brown [Sharon Dyer]
Jessica Sully [Barbara Long] * 2nd gold certificate earned
Marie-Éve Dufour [Irma Mulherin]
Tabitha Beaulieu [Irma Mulherin]
Silver - 35 hours of volunteer service
Sarah Sharpe [Barbara Long, Jennifer Muir]
Bronze - 10 hours of volunteer service
Joanie Theriault [Irma Mulherin]
Alison McLaughlin [Irma Mulherin]
Mallory Parsons [Irma Mulherin]
Gold – 60 hours of volunteer service
Jessica Sully [Barbara Long
Bronze – 10 hours of volunteer service
Jordan Brown [Sharon Dyer]
Bronze – 10 hours of volunteer service
Alex Trites [Lynn Johnson]
Jessica Sully [Barbara Long]