The New Brunswick Registered Music Teachers’ Association is a professional association for music teachers in New Brunswick and is available to those who teach music privately or in the school system. You can now apply online for membership by clicking the Online English Registration Form, or download, print and mail in the application form.
Pour le formulaire d'inscription en ligne en français. Ou, Télécharger ici.
You may also renew your membership online, or send in your renewal form via mail by printing the PDF form here.
To complete the renewal process, you must read and acknowledge you have read and understood the Code of Ethical Standards.
Membership benefits include:
♫ Automatic membership in the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Associations.
♫ Entitlement to use the professional designation “Registered Music Teacher” or the
abbreviation “R.M.T.”.
♫ Information and access to professional development opportunities, including the
CFMTA/FCAPM Certificate of Recognition for Professional Achievement, workshops
at the local, provincial, national and international levels, biennial national convention.
♫ $5,000,000 limited liability insurance for your home/rental studio as well as preferred
rates for car and home insurance, through Personal Insurance Company.
♫ Student access to workshops, master classes and the Music Volunteer Award certificate
for their volunteer participation and services in music activities.
♫ Access to participation in provincial & national programs like Canada Music Week and
The Call for Compositions as well as opportunities for funding from CFMTA/FCAPM for
unique projects with your students & colleagues.
♫ Opportunities to serve as provincial /national council members helping to direct and
build both music education and the role of the music teacher in our province and our
For more information about joining the NBRMTA, please contact our Registrar.