Welcome to the Online Entry form for the 2018 NBRMTA Student Composer Competition

Please ensure you have the following information available before using the online entry form:

  • The Student Composer's contact information
  • The Student's NBRMTA Teacher information including address, email and telephone number
  • A PDF copy of the composition being entered in the competition that will be uploaded within the entry form (2MB or less in size. If larger, please email webmaster@nbrmta.com for further instructions).
  • A brief biography of the Student Composer (in PDF format, 1MB or less) that will be uploaded within the entry form.
  • A picture of the Student Composer (in JPG format 1 MB or less) that will be uploaded within the entry form.
  • Entry fee payment via PayPal or e-transfer

If you have any questions regarding this online form, please email webmaster@nbrmta.com


Short composer biography / Courte biographie du compositeur
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Photo of composer in JPG format (Can be school photo). / Photo du compositeur au format JPG (Peut être une photo de l'école).
A 3.5% surcharge will be charged if paying by PayPal or a credit card through PayPal. / Un supplément de 3,5% sera facturé en cas de paiement par PayPal ou par carte de crédit via PayPal.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
By entering this file, I hereby certify that the above information is correct, that the attached composition is entirely my own work and that I agree to all regulations of the competition. / En entrant ce fichier, j’atteste que toutes les informations ci-dessus sont correctes, que la composition attachée est la mienne et entièrement originale, et que je me suis conformé(e) à tous les règlements de ce concours.
Amount of entry fees owed for this student. / Montant des droits d'inscription dus pour cet étudiant. E-TRANSFER TO treasurer@nbrmta.com / E-TRANSFERT À treasurer@nbrmta.com ***Application will not be considered completed until payment has been processed. / La demande ne sera pas considérée complète tant que le paiement n'aura pas été traité.***
A 3.5% surcharge will be charged if paying by PayPal or a credit card through PayPal. / Un supplément de 3,5% sera facturé en cas de paiement par PayPal ou par carte de crédit via PayPal.